Scotland: Why We Love This Place
To mark Burns Night and celebrate the beautiful country we are lucky to call our home, our fab production team have had a think of some of the reasons why they love Scotland. Inspired by our work for National Trust Scotland, ‘I Love This Place’ and ‘For The Love of Scotland’, directed by our fabulous directors Sam Miller and Charlie Thorne, we’re compiling our own ode to Scotland with just a few of the reasons why we at MTP love this place…
Sean Geddes, Junior Editor: I love this place because it's been at the forefront of LGBT rights in the world and for it progressive attitudes.
James Heath, Executive Producer : I love the way the fans sing at Scotland Six Nations games at Murrayfield. I love Scottish Whisky! The rich variety of flavours that you can get in a wee dram. I love Hogmanay in Scotland – the way everyone gets together to bring in the bells and celebrate over two days!
Simon Mallinson, Managing Director: Because of the way the sun shines on a bright Winter’s day and because all the difficult times that Glasgow has gone through have created a self assured strong place where right is right and wrong is wrong and not funny is not funny.
Rosie Gallagher, Production Assistant: I love Scotland first of all because it’s home of course, but also after living in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and now Glasgow I’ve never really felt out of place here. After doing a Scottish literature degree I appreciated Scotland even more for all its creative talent. I’ve included a favourite quote of mine from a fave book:
'You hated the land and the coarse speak of the folk and learning was brave and fine one day; and the next you'd waken with the peewits crying across the hills, deep and deep, crying in the heart of you and the smell of the earth in your face, almost you'd cry for that, the beauty of it and the sweetness of the Scottish land and skies.’ From Sunset Song by Lewis Grassic Gibbon
Fergus Sim, Group Director of Finance: My favourite thing about Scotland is in June and July, being outside and it’s still light at 10pm and beyond. This is especially fab to experience somewhere stunning like Torridon (for mountains) or Tiree (for beaches). Close second is swimming to islands or even between islands, summer only though. My top memory of this is swimming to Taransay while on holiday on Harris.
Lindsay O’Donnell, Executive Assistant: I personally love Scotland for the people, and my favourite Scottish people being Glaswegians! The scenery here is also absolutely amazing so that would have to be my second reason. But ultimately the people here are fab. I never find myself starved of company in Scotland, there is always a friendly person nearby to tell you their life story. A recent occurrence of this was standing in line to get into the doctors surgery and the chap behind me striking up a conversation and showing me pictures of his home made fish and chips from the night before. Only in Scotland! And my third reason would have to be place names! There’s always a giggle to be found when looking at Scotland on Google Maps, such as ‘Dull’ – which just happens to be partnered with Boring in Oregon, USA!
Ella Weston, Marketing and Brand Producer: I love Scotland for so many reasons. The friendly and welcoming people, the rugged landscapes, the buzz and music of the cities, the deep-rooted culture, the traditions old and new. But most of all, its feeling of home. Despite moving here only two years ago, I felt, and still feel, instantly embraced. I love that in Scotland, there really is no place like home.